"Wandering Fantasy" is a wall art composition for a Collector that measures 33" wide and is 48" high. The main topic is the Pink Clematis which spans the entire height of the art. The introduction of the Wandering Jew at the top center is flowing into the main stream of the art.
I choose Stainless Steel to make metal sculptures because it is a green material that can be transformed into natural subjects of nature by using material, which would have been recycled. Using old world techniques of the Silver Guild, traditional hand forming is applied to achieve exquisite texture and relief shapes that move the alloy. With a painterly style, translucent acrylics are blended in progressive layers to emit luminance of the metal forming techniques.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Deeper Art designed by the Collector
A lot of times an Artist gets trapped in their own work and has a hard time breaking their pattern of thought. Currently, I am breaking that thought pattern by working with Collectors to create "Consumer Centric" compositions within their liking. My creativity will be centered and focused on the Collectors decor and style of living.