Expression to me as an Artist is a challenge because it is an extension of the art itself. The character of each detail expresses our inter feelings and thoughts as we create a painting, sculpture, photo, or a song. I have studied different styles of art forms to learn what made the Artist successful. I chose my medium "stainless steel" for it's difficulty to shape, inner character, and ability to show expression of my thoughts. This is "African Sunset" from the exotic floral group, Pincushions.
I choose Stainless Steel to make metal sculptures because it is a green material that can be transformed into natural subjects of nature by using material, which would have been recycled. Using old world techniques of the Silver Guild, traditional hand forming is applied to achieve exquisite texture and relief shapes that move the alloy. With a painterly style, translucent acrylics are blended in progressive layers to emit luminance of the metal forming techniques.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Expressing thought with details
Expression to me as an Artist is a challenge because it is an extension of the art itself. The character of each detail expresses our inter feelings and thoughts as we create a painting, sculpture, photo, or a song. I have studied different styles of art forms to learn what made the Artist successful. I chose my medium "stainless steel" for it's difficulty to shape, inner character, and ability to show expression of my thoughts. This is "African Sunset" from the exotic floral group, Pincushions.